CYGNUS 850 64Kbps G.SHDSL Modems are used to extend user equipment connectivity to telephone exchange over leased line (copper line). The leased lines could be from Railtel or from BSNL or other service provider. These modems support 64Kbps leased lines and DTE modules support COD and V35 interfaces.
- CYGNUS 850 64Kbps Modems operates on 2-wire copper circuits using G.SHDSL
- Driving range support 11 km on 24 AWG (0.5 mm dia) unloaded copper pair under error free conditions.
- DTE interfaces support COD and V35
- Flexible clocking options.
- Loopback and test pattern generation facilities for quick fault isolation
- Configuration/monitoring through switches or RS 232 compatible console port or Via SNMP and Telnet over a TCP/IP network.
- Front panel indicators for displaying unit status.
- Power supply input – ordering time options for 230 VAC, 48 VDC or both